n's page

Welcome to my site!

My name is N, but I'm also okay being called Nanr. My text signature is NN. My pronouns are he/him, they/them, and it/its.

Besides my activity within our own discord server where I am free to be myself, my personal presence on the internet is very small. Some of the few things of mine that reside on the web are usually not attributed to me, as these are posts / art / writing / etc. in places where we are not out as a person with DID. This page on Statueposting had been reserved for me for a while, but I am finally taking it up so I can have my own, special spot. I hope I can grow and maintain my little page so it can be an embodiment of who I am!

My coding skills are not very good, so please bear with the blandness of this site!

About me.

My name and pronouns are listed above!

In terms of queerness, I identify as a genderqueer man and a demisexual bisexual.

In terms of my system, I am categorized as a caretaker. I am also an introject, but that label does not matter too much to me. Within our system, I am part of the "statue subgroup," and I am dating two other alters - V and Mys!